Crossover Guidance: Embodied Core Work for Self-Healing, Essence Remembrance, Relational Growth, and Integration

In a Crossover Guidance Session, I bring attuned guidance and presence to you and to what needs attention, healing, direction, or integration in your life. We co-create the relational container, cultivating presence, listening to the wisdom of our bodyworlds, attuning and aligning to soul, and feeling into the creative impulse of Life. What wants to be seen, heard, felt, known, understood, explored, or created?

A Crossover Guidance Session may include:

  • Guided Self-Healing

  • Relational Mindfulness Practices

  • Shadow Work

  • Parts Work

  • Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

  • Energetic Touch

  • Archetypal Embodiment

  • Soul Journeying

  • Ancestral Healing

  • Whatever may be present and in service of integration and remembered wholeness

In my guidance, I draw from the embodied wisdom remembered on the path of my own healing and wholeness journey (which is ongoing), and I share with you the gifts I’ve developed in transmuting my core wounds into a Sacred Portal of generative potency. Supported by my healed and whole ancestors, trusting my inner knowing, and sharing from the deep rhythms of Life, I support and guide you in your own empowerment and self-leadership as we cross thresholds of healing and transition, embracing what is.

*Crossover Guidance Sessions are offered to individuals and couples online via Zoom or in person at my studio in Basel, Switzerland. I am not a psychotherapist, and I do not diagnose. Crossover Guidance Sessions are not a substitute for other forms of counseling or therapy.

Crossover Circles: A Group Field for Collective Presencing, Soul-Journeying, Healing, and Integration

With ancestral support and an expansive capacity for love and awareness, I invite participants into my unique orientation and approach to relational presencing and co-creative being, becoming, and belonging.

If invited, I may offer guidance to participants in their inner work and self-healing as we follow the subtle movements of Potency in the group Body.

In Crossover Circles, ceremony, biodynamic stillness, embodied attunement, relateful flow, and a confluence of mystic, animistic, and nondual ways of knowing and experiencing help us enter a space of deepening connection and heart-centered presence where we honor the past, practice being with and expressing from the present, and listen for the voice of the emergent future.

These circles started in connection with the natural cycles of the moon (new and full moon circles) and other Earth cycles throughout the year, welcoming participants to connect with their innate embedment and belonging as Earth and Cosmos, as well as their own inner cycles.

Crossover Songs

With Crossover Songs, I settle into the embodied ground of Being, listening to the deep tides and rhythms of Life.

Tuning toward the present reality of my bodyworld, I allow improvisational songs to arise from the potency of dynamic stillness.

At the core of the experience is a feeling of being the Song of my ancestors - embodied wisdom meeting mystical union.

Listeners are invited to journey through sound and song into the depths of their own being and into the presence of the group body.

If you’d like to invite me to bring Crossover Songs to your venue, ceremony, or event, contact me at