About Me

Return to me, the womb of the Earth.

Remembering a song of rebirth.

I am whole. You are whole. We are whole.

Adam Sippola

Welcome. I am devoted to Life and Love.

I’m here in this life to meet and love myself fully, becoming intimate with all that I am - walking a Crossover path into the wisdom of my bodyworld - unearthing, witnessing, loving, and integrating all of my gifts, shadows, traumas, parts, aspects, and energies… swimming into the depth of my Being and choosing to turn towards, be with, and love through all of the sensations, feelings, emotions, and thoughts that arise in me.

Embracing the polarities of life, I acknowledge experiences of brokenness, which often stand near to remembered wholeness. As I discover places in me of alienation, otherness, and unworthiness, I also find and embrace my innate belonging. Committed to my inner union, I sit in stillness and sing in passion as an ecstatically beautiful, ever-changing confluence of Consciousness and Love, Life and Awareness.

I’m also here to be in relationship, curiously noticing and exploring how Life lives, moves, perceives, and expresses in and as me, you, and us. Opening to mystery and possibility, I bring myself as Crossover in connecting with and caring for individuals and community - led by and leading from the alignment of hara, heart, head, hands, voice, and vision.

If you’re here reading this, it would be my honor to connect, find out if my way of working aligns with you, and then offer my presence, touch, awareness, care, curiosity, and guidance as you explore and traverse your own path and life. I’ll be with you at thresholds of growth and transition, listening to the body’s wisdom, holding with heart and hands, honoring your inherent wholeness. All of you is welcome.

Presence Touch/BCST

I’m a Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (RCST®) through BCTA/NA. I received my training and certification in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy from Body Intelligence, studying with Nancy Anne Schrauth and Nancy Siegel. I’ve also attended the Breath of Life Course taught by Koa Kalish, and studied Stillness Touch with Charles Ridley.

My primary guide and teacher in this work is and has been the wisdom of my body in relationship to Life, which has included powerful ancestral transmission and ongoing inner teachings as I listen and feel. My partner Miriam and I have begun offering Heart of Touch workshops and trainings, bringing together Presence Touch with Relational Presencing practices to address the holistic needs of individuals, couples, groups, and collectives.


I am a Professional Relateful Facilitator. I received my training and certification in Relatefulness facilitation from The Relateful Company, completing the Level Up program under the guidance of Valerie Daniel, Michael Blas, Jordan Myska Allen, Phillip Watson, Shara Chawkin, Liz Watson, David Swedlow, and others. I lead sessions weekly at relateful.com with participants and facilitators worldwide. I also offer online and in-person Relateful sessions independently and together with my partner Miriam through Heart of Presence.

Men’s Groups

Over the years, I’ve been a participant and facilitator in many men’s groups, healing and integrating my masculine and feminine energies as I’ve evolved and grown in my leadership. I’ve worked with Robert Augustus Masters in his Breakthrough Group for Men, explored pleasure and sexuality in a men’s group, Sexually Sovereign, led by Somatic Sex Educator Alyssa Morin, completed the Embodied Masculine Course in a group led by Adam Jackson of Sacred Sons, and spent a few years studying with John Wineland through his Embodied Relationship Experience and live Office Hours calls. I’ve led many men’s groups in person and virtually, and hold an ongoing men’s circle online. My deepest learning in this realm continues to be as a son, brother, father, and friend.


Music has been a consistent thread of soul expression for most of my life through a multitude of genres – choral, classical, musical theater, traditional pop, rock, folk… and I feel uniquely inspired and nourished in mystical improvised sound sparked by the living moment, arising from presence and soul. With Crossover Songs, I invite the listener to settle into the embodied ground of Being, journeying through the present reality of their own bodyworld, listening for what Life may share from the potency of dynamic stillness.

I walk a crossover spiral path,
singing a crossover song…