Presence Touch

Presence Touch

Presence Touch is a heart-centered, whole body/being approach to healing, remembered wholeness, and the embodied evolution of consciousness. 

Supported by presence, inner attunement, and a gentle, non-doing, resonant touch, the body will naturally move into states and processes of settling, reorganization, healing, and integration.

During Presence Touch sessions, we work with the creative forces of Life that form the body. This is not a symptom-oriented, medical, or fixing approach. It is a non-doing, touch-based communion with Life and Love.

I don’t heal you in these sessions. I enter a deep state of inner presence and contact your body from that state, supporting your body's intelligence and inherent healing capacity in its relationship with the potency of Life.

Receiving skillful, compassionate touch in a space of grounded heart presence can have profound implications for shifting patterns, entering deep rest and rejuvenation, expanding consciousness, transmuting trauma, and returning to the remembrance of wholeness.

In a relational field that supports your body’s potency and intelligence and honors the power of presence and being - safety, healing, and homeostasis are possible.

In the perfect holding of the field of Life and Love, we’re invited into the remembrance of our wholeness and our interdependence with each other and with Life.

Origins of Presence Touch

I developed Presence Touch with my partner Miriam Kislak as an evolution of how we offer touch rooted in the wisdom of our bodies, heart-centered presence, and the embodied transmission of our pre-colonial ancestors. It is also influenced and informed by our training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Stillness Touch.

I acknowledge the roots of Craniosacral work in indigenous wisdom and healing arts, with its modern emergence growing out of osteopathy and including ongoing discoveries in the fields of psychology, embryology, human development, neuroscience, and the evolution of consciousness.

I honor the indigenous and tribal ways of knowing and healing through this kind of touch that have either been lost to history, suppressed, or not widely known in Western society. I also honor the contributions to this field of work by the teachers, guides, and practitioners of cranial osteopathy, craniosacral biodynamics, Stillness Touch, as well as a variety of religious and spiritual traditions.

Presence Touch connects me more directly to the embodied heart-wisdom of my Finnic tribal ancestors and the Mystery of Life in a way less steeped in the predominantly Judeo-Christian metaphorical language represented in the craniosacral field. 

I believe this kind of touch is our birthright, and part of my mission is to make it more accessible for everyone to receive and give.

*Presence Touch sessions are currently offered in Basel, Switzerland, and wherever I travel.

Heart of Touch

A Relational Presence Touch Training

Heart of Touch - Level 1

A four-day training process facilitated by Miriam Kislak and Adam Sippola. The Heart of Touch training teaches participants to cultivate body awareness and inner stillness through Inner Presence meditation, practice heart-centered, non-doing touch with Presence Touch, and deepen relational awareness and authentic connection through Relational Presencing. These practices offer a pathway to healing, transformation, and wholeness.

Designed for those committed to cultivating personal and communal health and harmony, this training welcomes caregivers, bodyworkers, healers, guides, and adults wishing to learn how to touch and relate from an embodied and grounded presence.