Three brothers - An ancestral healing process
Adam Sippola Adam Sippola

Three brothers - An ancestral healing process

An ancestral healing experience emerged in me a week and a half ago. I’m still in it, though several layers have been processed and are beginning to integrate. I was leading a group session of relational presence when the back of my heart dilated, followed by the distinct inner imagery and feeling of a few people entering my body through my heart as if boarding a boat.

I felt two men and an illusive third presence. I immediately knew that one man was my great-grandpa Jacob, my middle namesake…

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Group Attunement and Coherence
Adam Sippola Adam Sippola

Group Attunement and Coherence

Coming out of a meditation yesterday, I wrote:

"As we attune inwardly and come into a coherent state of inner presence, we can begin to sensitively attune with one another, simultaneously experiencing each other co-arising within ourselves and as distinct beings. When we practice relational attunement and group coherence from a foundation of inner presence saturated in living stillness, the creative intelligence of Life can incarnate into wider and deeper structures of conscious love through us. The group body matrix of inner and relational presence allows healing through the co-digestive potency flow of loving awareness from which collective wisdom can emerge."

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Men’s Work at the Pace of Integration
Adam Sippola Adam Sippola

Men’s Work at the Pace of Integration

In my approach to growth and healing in men’s work, I don’t guide us towards dramatic, cathartic experiences but towards inner and relational presence with what is here. When we bring our witnessing presence to what seems stuck, frozen, or fragmented, the potency of Life is already moving at its own perfect pace toward fuller expressions of wholeness. That pace may be quite varied from man to man. Each group also reveals a collective pace through coherence.

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Parenthood Grief
Adam Sippola Adam Sippola

Parenthood Grief

I've been feeling a lot of fear, sadness, stress, and grief over the last few weeks. Another quite raw layer of my heart is being alchemized.

After over a year in Switzerland, I've been grieving a lost sense of purpose that came from being physically close and immediately available to my children as their dad. On the one hand, the grief is simple. My body is confused that they're no longer in the next room. How can I protect or listen or bring attention or hug or provide? I didn't know this part of my identity went so deep. I feel the loss in my bones.

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Adam Sippola Adam Sippola

Holiday Memory Sharing/Reflecting

Bring this practice to your family or friend gatherings over the holidays as a way to get closer and drop into a deeper level of conversation and sharing.

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Big dreams and visions
Adam Sippola Adam Sippola

Big dreams and visions

I’m sharing some big dreams and visions below. 

Read on if you want to know more of my heart and soul purpose and inspirations.

Presence Touch is a devotional practice and path of resting ever more fully into the sacred pulse of Love and coming into bodily communion with the perfect holding of Life, through non-doing, compassionate touch with another human being.

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Earthborn Heart
Adam Sippola Adam Sippola

Earthborn Heart

When I rest back into the deepest core of my earthborn heart,

Allowing my body to be held in the spacious arms of Life,

A transmission of water and ancestors meets me,

Singing remembrance through my cells,

Inviting me to be with you in touch,

Rooted and still, our souls saturated

By the sacred pulse of Love.

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Exploring Space Together: Relational Presencing Practices
Adam Sippola Adam Sippola

Exploring Space Together: Relational Presencing Practices

The following practices can help you cultivate more spatial and relational awareness and presence with others.

Time Required: 20 minutes

Step 1: Explore your sense of outer and inner space by sharing back and forth using the following sentence stems.

Looking around the room, I notice… (Share back and forth for 3 minutes)

Looking inside myself, I notice/feel… (Focus on physical sensations and emotions, sharing back and forth for 3 minutes)

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A Community Healer Without a Community
Adam Sippola Adam Sippola

A Community Healer Without a Community

Last week, my hours were cut in half at the job I’ve been working for the last 14 years as my primary source of income. I knew this change could come. It felt jarring and disorienting nonetheless.

I touched old fears of scarcity and uncertainty, welcomed the raw sounds of my anger to connect my belly, heart, and throat, felt waves of shame related to providing, shed tears honoring the loss, and went to sleep feeling a little clearer and more hopeful, though still a bit anxious.

“I can figure things out.”

The next morning, I woke feeling quite tender. Something deeper was being touched, and I opened into a powerful flow of sorrow that emerged from my ancestral nervous system, accompanied by these words:

“I am a community healer without a community.”

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