Big dreams and visions

I’m sharing some big dreams and visions below. 

Read on if you want to know more of my heart and soul purpose and inspirations.

Presence Touch is a devotional practice and path of resting ever more fully into the sacred pulse of Love and coming into bodily communion with the perfect holding of Life, through non-doing, compassionate touch with another human being.

Through dedication to this form of touch, it’s possible to experience a powerful shift in our relationship to our core wounds - those moments when our sense of wholeness became fragmented, and we experienced a profound rupture with Love. This shift may emerge gradually like a slowly rising tide or come more swiftly like a river swelling over the walls of a dam.

As each layer of the core matrix of fragmentation becomes saturated down to the cellular level with the potency of Life and Love, our heart aligns with the heart of the Earth, our midline nests into the universal midline, and every cell pulses as one, opening as a doorway of reunion and remembrance with Love. Pure loving awareness permeates our body and being.

This stage of saturation, permeation, remembrance, and reunion with Love is binding, immutable, irrevocable. The core of our heart becomes a sacred portal of our deepest gifts, wisdom, and service. Spirituality is grounded in the body as Earth.

It’s not that the practice and path of healing is complete, that we won’t experience challenges, conflicts, hardships, or suffering, or that we won’t continue to discover parts and aspects of ourselves that want or need more love. This is most often a multi-layered experience of homecoming, enriching our humanness in all of its beauty.

But there is a distinct moment of the deepest core break with Life being remembered home into wholeness, a point of no return where we are Love and we are loved in the most innocent, pure essence of our being, and nothing will ever change that again. This love is not forgotten.

Presence Touch is a devotional path for healing, evolving consciousness in the body, remembering wholeness, and becoming the living song of our ancestors.

I’ll share more about Relational Presencing another time, but briefly, it invites us into a relational experience with the Group/Collective Body through a variety of presence-based practices, supporting our individual, ancestral, and collective growth, healing, transformation, and remembrance.

I want everyone who desires to receive Presence Touch and Relational Presencing to have that opportunity regularly. I want training in Presence Touch and Relational Presencing to be available to all who want to learn.

I want to build community dedicated to presence-based arts and collective healing, where together we can explore and innovate new modalities and processes for individual, ancestral, and collective healing. 

I want to open a center for the study, practice, and participation in presence-based arts and collective healing, where people can come to learn, receive, heal, whole, give, and be in community together in remembrance of ourselves as Earth.

Let’s weave our threads of purpose and harmonize the notes of our soul songs to create collective processes and innovations that meet the needs of collective remembrance.

I’m dedicated to this vision and these goals.

And, I don’t know the way alone. I will need a lot of help, collaboration, and co-creation.

What do you say?


Holiday Memory Sharing/Reflecting


Earthborn Heart