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Crossover Circle

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A Group Field for Collective Presencing, Soul-Journeying, Healing, and Integration

Crossover Circles are soul-inspired explorations of relational presence, collective intelligence, group healing, remembered wholeness, and communion with mystery. With ancestral support and an expansive capacity for love and awareness, I invite participants into my unique vibration, flavor, and approach to relational leadership and co-creative being/becoming/belonging. Walk with me in the Womb of Life.

Ceremony, stillness, embodied attunement, relateful flow, and a confluence of mystic/animistic/nondual ways of knowing and experiencing help us create a space of deepening connection and heart-centered presence where we honor the past, practice being with and expressing from the present, and listen for the voice of the emergent future.

In Crossover Circles, I’m practicing sourcing experience from the essence of my being and inviting you to do the same so that together, we can learn about our soul gifts and discover how they connect and combine in greater service to create a more loving, aware, and present world.

These circles started in connection with the natural cycles of the moon (new and full moon circles) and other Earth cycles throughout the year, welcoming participants to connect with their innate embedment and belonging as Earth and Cosmos, as well as their own inner cycles.

January 19

Crossover Songs with Adam Sippola

September 15

An Invitation to Men